BrawlsDeepRadio Embed


Do you have a request? A song you haven't heard but want to hear? Just make a request in the request box and we'll make sure to incorporate it in the playlist. We offer a wide variety of genres so no genre is left out. Also feel free to join us on WOW(world of Warcraft for you non-nerds) we are located on 2 servers: Dalaran and Shadow Council. Brawls Deep Guild is on the Dalaran server and is an alliance only guild. Shadow Council guild is Three Blades Deep and is a Horde only guild. So whether you play horde or alliance we have you covered.

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More information

Do you have a request? A song you haven't heard but want to hear? Just make a request in the request box and we'll make sure to incorporate it in the playlist. We offer a wide variety of genres so no genre is left out. Also feel free to join us on WOW(world of Warcraft for you non-nerds) we are located on 2 servers: Dalaran and Shadowc Council. Brawls Deep Guild is on the Dalaran server and is an alliance only guild. ShadowcCouncil guild is Three Blades Deep and is a Horde only guild. So whether you play horde or alliance we have you covered.

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